
Building Security Ratings System

Building Security Ratings System

Checklists to Assess Risks, Consequences, and Security Countermeasures, Manuals of Practice (MOP) 128

This Manual of Practice presents a building security rating system (BSRS) that can be used to improve the security of buildings and occupants subjected to violent attack. The BSRS offers a comprehensive method to account for threats and hazards, consequences and impacts, and vulnerability and mitigation as related to building security. Read more.

2014 | 186. pp | List $110 / ASCE Member $82.50
Soft Cover: Stock # 41334 | ISBN 978-0-7844-1334-0
E-book: Stock # 47838 | ISBN 978-0-7844-7838-7
View table of contents and chapter abstracts at ASCE Library.