Institutional Relations

Institutional Relations

Signing of the agreement with Banco Caminos
Pepe Trigueros, President of the Spanish Association of Civil Engineers with Miguel Ángel Carrillo, President of the Spanish College of Civil Engineers.

Instituto de la Ingenería de España

The Association of Civil Engineers is a founding member of the Spanish Engineering Institute, an organization created in 1905 to look after the interests of the different branches of engineering.

As part of the Institute, it participates in its governing bodies:


One of the main pillars of the Institute is its committees, both technical and operational. The Spanish Association of Civil Engineers holds the chairmanship of the TransportInfrastructure and Digital Society Committees.

The other associations that make up the Institute today are:


College of Engineers

The Association has collaborated historically with the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, with whom it has established a framework agreement for activities un 30th june 2024. To see the last agreement, click here.

The monitoring committee of the agreement between the College and the Association is formed by a member of the College, a member of the Association and a mixed member of both entities.

Today, the main focus of collaboration is on employment promotion and the international arena. It also has representatives on various committees and working groups.

In addition to being the Vice President and General Secretary of the Association, two members of the Board of Directors of the Association comes from the Governing Board of the College, as long as an agreement is singed between both parties.

Professional Associations

  • Spanish Transport Association: Promotes a better knowledge and professionalization of the Transportation System. Asociación Caminos is a protective member.
  • MWCC: Madrid World Construction Capital. It is one of the world’s leading exponents in engineering, construction and architecture. Asociación Caminos is a protective member.
  • Asociación Española de la Carretera: A non-profit organization founded in 1949, it has been working since its inception in the defense and promotion of roads.
  • Tecniberia: Spanish Engineering, Consulting and Technological Services companies.
  • SEOPAN: It groups the large Spanish companies of the construction sector.
  • SEPREM: Spanish Society of Dams and Reservoirs
  • ANCI: National Association of Independent Builders.

Relations with Foundations

Fundación Caminos

The Civil Engineering Foundation (Fundación Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos), formerly the Civil Engineering and Society Foundation founded in 1993, was created with the intention of acting as a forum for reflection, new ideas and as a driving force for actions for the professional future. The Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos was and is the driving force behind this organization, in charge of promoting the presence of civil engineers in the Society.

Fundación Miguel Aguiló

It was established in 2009 in close collaboration with the School of Civil Engineering of the UPM, for the research of Built Heritage and Landscape in three areas: the heritage of Public Works, the built landscape and the theoretical thinking on Civil Engineering.

They have carried out the implementation of the GOING application for Asociación Caminos.

Fundación Ingeniería y Sociedad

Created by a group of civil engineers with the encouragement of Clemente Sáenz Ridruejo, the Engineering and Society Foundation was created, chaired since then by Miguel Aguiló Alonso.
Among its activities is the holding of summer courses that have achieved great prestige.

Asociación Caminos is a protective member.

Fundación Juanelo Turriano

The Juanelo Turriano Foundation, created by José Antonio García-Diego in 1987, is a private educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Culture (B.O.E. of March 15, 1989). The foundational object is the promotion and coordination of the historical study of Technique and Science and has a magnificent historical library of hydraulic works.

Fundación de los Ferrocarriles

The Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles is responsible for the recovery, custody, generation and dissemination of the historical, cultural, scientific and technological railway heritage.